
July 7, 2013

Minion Cake

Cake is happiness! If you know the way of the cake, you know the way of happiness! If you have a cake in front of you, you should not look any further for joy! ~C. Joybell C.

My first ever character cake. Minion Cake!

Forgot to put hairs on my minions. Even though they didn't have hairs, my fans (hubby and son) told me that they were still cute and chubby. LOL! I'm still thinking at that moment how to put "greetings" on that space. I didn't have letter cutters so I need to write it. My hands were shaking, I'm really nervous, don't want my cake to be ruined because of my lousy writing. 

I really need lots of practice or better yet invest for alphabet cookie cutters. What do you think?

My minions are flat, aren't they? LOL! Just noticed it, after I'm finished making them. Well, they still look cute, aren't they? (Love your own) LOL!

A close-up of my minions. I baked my favorite chocolate cake recipe and used homemade marshmallow fondant. It tastes better than store bought fondant.

Fondant-cake-making is really a tedious job but if you put your heart into it, nothing is impossible. You'd surprise yourself what you can accomplish, just give yourself a chance. I'm really proud of myself and overjoyed that I finally made it! I am my own greatest critic and I'm happy that it exceeded my expectation. 

To God be the glory! 

Happy baking,


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