
April 3, 2013

Spinach Pesto Pasta

There is no love sincerer than the love of food. ~George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman

I am truly, madly, deeply in love with this pasta. I like the traditional basil pesto but I like the spinach pesto even more. It has a milder flavor, delicate aroma, and delightful fresh flavor which will tickle your palate. Start your day with this healthy dish. Bon Appetit!

Spinach pesto:
handful of spinach
1 clove garlic, grated
2 Tbsp chopped cashew nuts
2 Tbsp cheese (any hard cheese), grated
olive oil*
salt and pepper

Pesto pasta:
200 grams angel hair** 
1/2 to 3/4 cup reserved pasta cooking liquid 
1/2 cup water
4 cloves of garlic, minced
cheese, grated or sliced
olive oil

* I don't usually measure the oil. It depends on how thick or thin I want my pesto to be. I drizzle more oil if I'll be using the pesto for pasta, less oil if I will use it as a spread on breads and pizzas.
** Angel hair pasta cooks quickly, about 3-5 mins (see the package instruction). To ensure that your pasta won't become soggy. Test it by removing a piece of pasta from the pan and take a bite, it should still have a tiny crunch when you bite it.

Spinach pesto:
1. Wash thoroughly the spinach then drain.
2. In a blender or food processor, put the spinach, garlic, cashew nuts and cheese. Blend it to roughly chopped the ingredients. While the blender is running, add the oil until you reach the consistency you want. Since I will be using it for my pasta, I added more oil.
3. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Put the pesto in a small bowl or container.

Pesto pasta:
1. In a pan, put some olive oil and saute the garlic.
2. Just before the garlic turns to golden brown, add the cooked pasta. 
3. Add the reserved liquid and cheese. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Toss until cheese has been completely mixed and the liquid has been absorbed by the pasta. 
5. Turn off the heat and add the spinach pesto. Toss.

1. Since olive oil is expensive in our country, you can use canola oil as a substitute. This is also a heart healthy oil.
2. Try to use other nuts like walnut or our very own pili nut. I tried it and loved it!
3. If you want basil pesto, use basil instead of spinach.
Happy day always,


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