
October 14, 2012

Tiramisu - Pinoy version

                             Sam Baldwin: What is Tiramisu?
                             Jay: You'll find out.
                             Sam Baldwin: Well, what is it?
                             Jay: You'll see.
                             Sam Baldwin: Some woman is gonna want me to 
                             do it to her and I'm not gonna know what it is!
                             ~Sleepless in Seattle

When I was in high school, I thought that Tiramisu was a Japanese word (because of MY-San's commercial "Tiramisu Tira-mo-ko"), little did I know that this is a classic Italian dessert. And just recently I've learned the meaning of "Tiramisu"... Thanks Gordon Ramsay! This is what he just said to one of the contestant: "The whole idea of Tiramisu means pick me up. You just put me down. Great shame!" Ouch!
Yeah, this dessert deserves its name. You can never resist it.. it's yelling at you... "Pick me up! Pick me up! Put me in your mouth and you'll know what is like to be in heaven!" Oh, I can still taste it even when I'm writing this and guess what, I made this dessert a couple of months ago. I'm craaaaaving!!! I'm pretty sure I will be in the supermarket tomorrow to buy the ingredients. :)

I made this during a gastronomic game with my husband. My husband and I have this kind of cooking game/competition. The winner will ask or request ANYTHING to the not-so-lucky one and the latter should grant it no matter what it takes, so we are really serious on this fun game. Our theme at that time is "cooking with a twist". He requested to have a Tiramisu and I requested to have Buko Pandan. I'm thinking at that time how can I make a Tiramisu with a twist. Since this is an Italian dish, maybe I could make a Pinoy version of it. So that's it, I used locally made Mamon Tostado (toasted sponge cake) and Graham crackers instead of Savoiardi or ladyfingers. I didn't want it to be too spongy that's why I used graham crackers for the second layer. Ok, I won't make my story long, so here it is, my Pinoy version of Tiramisu.

1 pack Mamon tostado
1 pack Graham crackers
1 cup of cream cheese
1 cup of whipping cream
1 cup sugar*
2 cups strong black coffee + 1tbsp dark rum (you can also omit the rum)
2 tsp vanilla extract
cocoa powder for dusting

* you can add or reduce the amount of sugar depending on your taste

1. Whip the cream until it holds a soft peak, meaning the peaks curl down when the beaters are lifted up. Put in the fridge.
2. Combine cream cheese and sugar. Whisk until smooth. Put the vanilla extract.
3. Fold in the the whipped cream. Set aside.
4. Dip the mamon tostado in the coffee-rum mixture. Don't oversoaked it.

5. Place the soaked mamon tostado on the bottom of the container.
6. Spread half of the cream mixture evenly over the mamon tostado.

7. Dip the graham crackers in the coffee-rum mixture. Lay it over the cream mixture.
8. Pour the remaining cream mixture. Chill until cream is set, at least 5 hours. Dust with cocoa powder before serving.
9. Share and enjoy! Serve with tea or coffee.

Yield: 6-8 servings

Bon Appetit!

Happy day always,



  1. I saw you followed me on Twitter! followed you back, then I saw you have a food blog... dropping by and craving for a Tiramisu!

  2. Oh thanks so much Peachkins for dropping by. I really really L-O-V-E your blog, as in everything in your blog esp the photos. your latest entry - the creepy meatloaf hand looks real! very talented indeed!
    Thanks again!

  3. what cream cheese shall i buy? which brand?

    1. Hi Bryan, sorry for the late reply. I used the Magnolia Cream Cheese. But if this is not available, any cream cheese will do. :)

  4. Hi may i know whats the size of the pan you used? :)


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